Thursday, October 14, 2010

First Rate Learning for First Grade Kids

So I just had to post about something that the high school government class at my school did today. I'm not in the class (because I'm taking this class!), but I was able to see what they did because I was there to take pictures.

So: The teacher gave the high school class the assignment (it was a group project) to create a 10-minute presentation to teach first-graders something about U.S. government. Then, she arranged a day with the first-grade teacher when they could actually teach the kids. (I go to a charter school, so all the grades meet on the same campus.) It was so cool!!! And the first-graders were sooo cute!!!! Anyway, the high-schoolers had to figure out how to simplify what they were learning in such a way that the younger kids would be able to understand and learn from it, but make sure they were still teaching correct and unbiased information. The three groups' topics were: the duties of the president, the Bill of Rights, and the Preamble to the Constitution. They even made up games and songs as well as colorful posters to teach the younger kids!

Anyway, it was really fun to watch and to see the first-graders learning things about government beyond just who the current president is (which is pretty much all they knew!). It made me think back to when I was first introduced to the concepts of government, but the thing is, I can't remember! I'm sure it wasn't as early as first-grade, though, which is one reason it made me happy to see such young kids already being exposed to ideas about the government and country that protects and guides their lives and in which they will someday participate. Just thought I'd mention it! :)

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